Not Alot To SayI like other members of my family lead a fairly boring life at this point and time. My week consist of school M-F 9-12, Dance on Mondays and work at LAWL 2 or 3 days. And that is about it. With all the studing that I have to do for SPANISH, I don't have time for my usual adventured filled life. But in 4 short week dance will be over for the summer and I will be done with Spanish and the Fall semester will be my LAST semester. Ok well thats about all I have to say that.
What is a well rounded education and why do we need it. I mean really does anyone really think that at the end of the summer I will be able to speak spanish? I just don't see it happening. Its a waste of money. And thats all I have to say.
DISCLAIMERI do not know how to spell!(I had to have help with disclaimer) And sometimes I feel no need for puncuation marks or captial letters. I understand that this may bother some but I could care less. If you should come to a word that is misspelled just sound it out and go with it. If is completely unreconizable simply make a mental replacement with one that you like and continue on. With this being said I do not see a need for anybody to point it out, Michael.